
About the Chenrys

Chris is Superman. He cooks, cleans, and basically keeps the house running. Yep, he is awesome. He works in the House Fiscal Division and has earned his nickname " Captain Spreadsheets"! He loves beer...both drinking it and brewing it. He is an amazing dad and fantastic role model for our kiddos. I'm so proud of him and beyond thankful that I get to be his wife.

I'm Rachel. I work at LSU and own/operate a wedding and event planning business on the side (shameless plug...Rachel S Henry). I love DIY, crafting, and experimenting in the kitchen. I'll try just about anything on Pinterest once...which sometimes doesn't end in my favor! Although I'm constantly moving, my family is my absolute favorite. They are my heart and I never get tired of showing them prepare yourself accordingly!

Sassy doesn't even begin to properly define our Lily. She is smart, spunky, kind, and an adorable five year old little girl! She refuses to smile for photos and never ceases to surprise us with her wit! She just started Kindergarten this year and I know we have a lot of fun adventures ahead!

Harrison is always moving! This crazy two year old has embraced the terrible twos by constantly getting into everything! He's just curious...right?!? When he slows down, he is one of the best cuddlers out there and he is down right obsessed with Star Wars! We might be in trouble with this little monkey, but I'm loving every minute of it!

We also have three fantastic furbabies that keep things interesting...

Mr. Kitty....Oliver....Lola


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