Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Da Boi!

Our sweet Oliver turned 5 on Wednesday and to celebrate his birthday, he took a (much needed) trip to the puppy spa and enjoyed a homemade puppy cake! It was so easy...and he seemed to really enjoy it!

Puppy Carrot Cake


1/2 cup flour
a pinch of baking soda
2 tbsp butter, softened
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1/4 tsp of vanilla extract
1 egg
1/2 cup of shredded carrots 


Begin, by preheating your oven to 350 degrees. While that is heating up, get out two bowls for some mixing! In one bowl, mix your flour and baking soda. In the other, mix your butter, vegetable oil, egg, and vanilla extract.

Now, toss your shredded carrots into the liquid mixture. Followed by tossing in your dry ingredients for one big party!

Spoon your batter into a little greased ramekin and bake for 25 minutes. BAM...that's it!

I got a little nervous when I took it out because it looked like this:

But after it cooled, it came right out of the ramekin and was the perfect size for one birthday candle and one birthday boy!

I think Oliver was quite intrigued by his little treat!

In fact...he tore that cake up! If you ignore the fact that Lily and I are in our PJs, our commentary that is quite corny, and the shaky camera will absolutely enjoy this!

I think Lily got more of a kick out of this than anyone! 
Even though da Boi only thinks she is "ok", Lily sure does love him!

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