Sunday, December 27, 2015

On the Road Again {5K Prep}

So...nothing says self-loathing louder than signing up for a 5K a year in advance and doing absolutely no training for it until a few weeks beforehand. And this is the exact situation that I currently find myself. Joy.

I have the desire to be a runner...truly. However, I cannot find a reasonable way to add that activity into my daily schedule. I know...this sounds all too familiar...what an excuse! Am I right?!?!? But I'm serious...between working, weddings, and general mom/wife/person activities, I generally can't find the time. We leave the house at 7:15am (cough) and don't get home until after 6:00pm. By the time the kids are down, the house is cleaned, and the preparations for the following day take place, it's after 10pm. The only solution is to wake up earlier...and I just can't fathom how I will function on less sleep. So...unfortunately, the deliberations continue. Since I'm currently on holiday, I've decided that is future Rachel's problem.

In the meantime, I've picked the habit back up and with gusto...or enthusiasm...maybe focus? I'm not sure what the right word is...but I'm excited!

Yesterday was, what I'm considering, day one. I "ran" one 13:25 minutes. Not stellar but I didn't pass out or success! Today, I "ran" that same mile in 12:08 minutes. Already making progress! ;)

Blogging and social media are a way to hold myself accountable...lame, I'm aware...but it oddly works for me. So that is exactly what I am about to do. I'm going to track my little 5K prep adventure...the good, the bad, and the ugly. Oh Lord, help me! We'll see if it continues past January 16th...hopefully it does, but one goal at a time! ;)

With that being said, here I am...checking in at a 12:08 mile, 138 lbs, and already exhausted!

#ignorethemess #mirrorselfienewbie

The goal this week is to just jog continuously for one mile. Here we go!

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