We decided Saturday morning that cupcakes were on the agenda! Whether that was Lily's idea or mine...who knows...but it was so much fun! She is such a good helper...so we let her lick the spoon...and bowl...and whatever else had icing on it in the end! She ended up falling asleep at the table during dinner so her cupcake dessert had to wait until the next day...which she was fine with until we told her that she couldn't eat all 12 at once!
I'm not one that thrives in pregnancy. I don't get a beautiful pregnancy glow or an adorable little bump. I get acne, pregnancy brain, torn muscles, heart burn, and other amazing ailments that I'll keep to myself! When I watch women in movies and TV shows enjoying every second of pregnancy...I roll my eyes and call bullshit. So being a little
It had a little kick to it but was delicious! Even Lily loved it!
Now....whether it works or not...we'll just have to wait and see!